Sunny Mishra

Sunny Mishra

Product designer based in India.

Side-hustle @designdojohq

Product designer based in India.

Side-hustle @designdojohq

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FitMe 3D body scanner: App redesign

FitMe 3D body scanner: App redesign

FitMe 3D body scanner helps athlete measure their body metrics like fat percentage, muscle mass & fat mass to better understand their body. It's AI capability also suggests workout plans & nutrition based on the results.

FitMe 3D body scanner helps athlete measure their body metrics like fat percentage, muscle mass & fat mass to better understand their body. It's AI capability also suggests workout plans & nutrition based on the results.

SavionJet: Landing page redesign

SavionJet: Landing page redesign

Future of air travel, Powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) and operated remotely, SavionJets are leading the charge towards a green, low-cost on-demand travel revolution.

Future of air travel, Powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) and operated remotely, SavionJets are leading the charge towards a green, low-cost on-demand travel revolution.

Case-study: Sawaalwala

Case-study: Sawaalwala

Sawaalwala is a web application designed to simplify the question paper creation process for teachers and enhance the learning experience for students.

Sawaalwala is a web application designed to simplify the question paper creation process for teachers and enhance the learning experience for students.

Case-study: DavSphere

Case-study: DavSphere

Helped DevSphere redesigning their existing landing page. To build better internet presence, brand recognition & user acquisition.

Helped DevSphere redesigning their existing landing page. To build better internet presence, brand recognition & user acquisition.

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© 2024 Sunny Mishra

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